07852 101245

Terms & Conditions


1:1 I, the client agree the fees for the total agreed period of the service provided by ClaireBear Pet Care.

1:2 Agreed fees cannot be changed or amended unless by agreement of ClaireBear Pet Care.

1:3 The agreement means payments are to be paid in full on commencement of the care.

1:4 Fees are to be paid on the first day of service.

1:5 Advanced bookings for some services may require a 20% deposit. This is non-refundable. This payment is applicable even if not initally requested. 

1:6 ClaireBear Pet Care reserves the right to charge a late payment fee of £10 if fees are not paid within 48 hours of being due. Payments are due on commencement of services.

1:7 If payments requests are ignored ClaireBear Pet Care reserves the right to terminate the contract service agreement and persue avenues to recover costs. (addition charges may also then be levied)

1:8 Price changes- Prices will be reviewed annually and amended as required on 1st January each year, although are subject to change throughout the year should this be a unavoidable and necessary requirement for the needs to operate the business. 

1:9 Mileage charges and costs will apply to some services depending on clients location and although all efforts will be made to keep these costs to a minimum these will be in line with the current rate at the time and regulary reviewed. 

2-Cancellations and Notice Period

2:1 A minimum of one weeks notice must be given should you wish to cancel or terminate any in advanced booked services. Less than one weeks notice (7 days or less) will still full booking fee. Full payment is still applicable. 

2:2 Any cancellations for (regular weekly booked slots) with less than 48 hours notice will still incur the full fee for the booking.

2:3 I, the client am aware that failure to make payments after an agreed payment date may incur the late payment fee. 

2:4 Late payment fees will be charged at £15 (per reminder)


3:1 Although all durations and times stated will be adhered to as rigorously as possible they are approximations only.

3:2 In the event of adverse weather conditions we will do our best to provide the service as agreed. If we cannot reach you due to roads being impassable we will contact you immediately.

3:3 Specific time slots are provided on a first come first served basis and priority will be given to regular clients.

3:4 Providing dual care to any animal can sometimes prove to be problematic and we reserve the right to terminate the contact should a conflict of interest arise.

3:5 We always communicate with you, the client giving updates of your animals wellbeing.

3:6 House sitting- Throughout the duration of providing a Housesitting service (daily service only) ClaireBear Pet Care reserves the right to leave the clients home for necessary periods of time ( Max times agreed with clients prior to services commencing) 

3:7 House Sitting - Should your Pet(s) be deemed and catagorised as CBL (Cannot be left Pets/Dogs) this service will be subject to an added surcharge. 

3:8  In the event that ClaireBear Pet Care cannot provide you, the client with agreed services due to being incapacitated you will be notified as soon as possible.

4-Animal Welfare and Health

4:1 ClaireBear Pet Care reserves the right to discontinue a service immediately, should an animal be shown to display any previously undisclosed aggressive or dangerous behaviour.

4:2 We reserve the right to terminate a service if an animal is shown to have an illness which has not been previously disclosed.

4:3 No responsibility will be taken for any animal that is ill before any job is started. ClaireBear Pet Care reserves the right to cancel any booking for any animal that is left in ill health without it being declared beforehand and being checked by a vet.

4:4 If an animal falls ill during our time of care we will inform you or your emergency contact and seek veterinary advice immediately from your designated vets.

4:5 The pet owner will be held fully responsible for any costs which may be incurred, veterinary or other, as a result of sickness, accident or damage caused by the animal(s)

4:6 I, the client understand and agree that ClaireBear Pet Care assumes no responsibility for the loss of the animal or any medical conditions and is released from all liability related to transportation, expense and treatment.

4:7 The owner must provide sufficient food, cat litter and any treats etc for their animal for the duration of the service or their time of absence.

4:8 In the event ClaireBear Pet Care needs to purchase necessary items for the animal during the service period, this will be reimbursed on providing a receipt for these items.

4:9 If the animal is to have access to outside, in the event of the animal going missing ClaireBear Pet Care will immediately inform you and continue with the agreed visits, notify your vet and the local police but will not be held responsible for the loss of your animal.

4:10 If you request your animal to go off lead, we will not be held responsible should your animal go missing. In this scenario we would immediately begin to search the surrounding area and inform you of the situation.


5:1 Please inform us at the time of consultation of anyone who may have access to your home while you are not at your property. This includes cleaning services, maintenance personnel, friends, family and neighbours.

5:2 We shall not be liable for other persons or their actions who will be in, or have access to your property before, during or after services have been provided.

5:3 Please inform us at the time of your consultation, or at any stage during services being provided by ClaireBear Pet Care if you are using, or intend to use any home monitoring, video/audio or recording devices- Inside or Outside your property.

5:3 We do not give prior pre autorised consent to any services commencing for any devices monitoring, recording/video/audio or cameras being used within a property unless explicity agreed and consent given by both myself and any ClaireBear Pet Care Crew members if applicable. Failure to disclose any such information may result in the termination of services or bookings upon arrival.


6:1 ClaireBear Pet Care is covered via Pet Business Insurance and is Criminal Records Bureau checked for the peace of mind of its clients.

6:2 The insurance covers ClaireBear Pet Care for the services defined within the booking form during the times or periods agreed.

6:3 It is sole responsibility of the client to ensure their property, its contents and animals are adequately Insured.

6:4 I, the client accept that ClaireBear Pet Care has third party insurance via Pet Business Insurance and understand that any claims would have to be made in writing and the insurance company would decide liability under their terms and conditions.


7:1 ClaireBear Pet Care will secure all keys in their possession in a secured, locked key safe when not in use.

7:2 I, the client agree that my keys will be returned to me on my return once the service period has ended. I will converse with ClaireBear Pet Care to arrange drop off or agree that they are left in a pre-arranged secure location.


8:1 All information relating to the client, their property and animal will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

8:2 Any clients who no longer wish to use our services will have their details destroyed in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.


9:1 On occasion ClaireBear Pet Care may have a family member or trainee accompany them whilst providing the scheduled services. No costs will be applied to the clients account for any assistance the companion provides.

9:2 ClaireBear Pet Care regularly takes photographs of clients animals for posts on their website, social media and related promotional sites. If you have any concerns regarding this or would like to opt out of this then please make this clear before signing this agreement.

9:3 ClaireBear Pet Care reserves the right to have an agreed period of time off for annual leave. In this instance, you, the client will be given a minimum of 1 months’ notice.